we always had dogs in my family. micah's family always had cats.
over the summer of 2017 micah found out one of his friend's cats was having a litter. due to my mild allergy we were a little hesitate about getting one...much less two.
after reading loads of articles about cat allergies and seeing that a lot of experts say if you get a cat when it's a kitten your body sometimes builds a tolerance to their dander, we decided we would get one.
when the litter was six weeks old we went to go pick one from the litter. there were two that gravitated toward us, but we still only picked one.
later that week we were talking to micah's friend and she mentioned that the two that were around us a lot (including the one we picked out) were inseparable and joked that we should take both of them.
after a lot of talking and thinking and, yes, reading more articles about having two cats versus one...we decided to take them both.
we brought them home when they were almost eight weeks old and every day we say that we're so glad we did.
java and gizmo are completely inseparable still. they snuggle and sleep together all the time. they do not like to be apart....even when they are in the same house.
now they are eight months old.
on our last trip to the vet, the doctor told us she thought they were twins. she thinks it is likely they were in the same sack.
life is great with the little ladies.
i never, i mean never ever, thought i would have a cat. i definitely never thought i would have TWO cats. but they are the center of our lives right now. we actually feel a little crazy that we love them so much, but to have a pet that you love is a great thing.
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