Monday, August 17, 2009


August really stinks. I was going to say that I hate August, but decided that even saying I strongly dislike it would not be a very good I've settled on August really stinks.
I am so excited about August being over and September being here. Work in my office is insanely crazy this time of year and I am so ready for September!! =)

I've learned a few of things in the past few weeks though:
first, I HAVE to have my first cup of coffee by 9am. And I actually don't mind if my coffee gets a little's just as good.
secondly, I think I really am intimidating to people. As much as I don't think that I am and don't mean to be...that's just how some people perceive me.
I've slowly and slowly become more cynical...that's not exactly something I'm proud of, but I am really trying to work on it.
also, I really do know quite a bit of information about being in higher education, it's kind of a shame I don't want to do this for the rest of my life.
and finally (for this blog anyway) well...despite all the complaining I do, all the stress I have and all the crap that some people give, I really will do all I can to help someone. There's no better feeling than helping someone out...even if they aren't thankful at all for it.

If I can just survive the next few weeks, I think I'll be okay...I'll start planning my trip to Illinois in October. Right after I get ahold of Delta for never sending me my voucher like they said they would...I am really getting aggravated with them. I might begin that on my lunch tomorrow.

"The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him." Exodus 15:2


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  3. i completely hear you on the coffee. i am drinking mine right now. open your blinds in your office. it honestly helps with your mood. you will go from "i hate this stinkin' place" to "i can hold out until the Lord provides another job." haha

    p.s. i dont know why it is telling you i keep removing my comments. i was just trying to fix a ty-po in my comment. : (


turning thirty-three.

i don't know if i've ever posted this piece of information about my life, but i'm in the education field. higher education spec...