Wednesday was a first day of VBS with the kids. So we were having a blast hanging out and playing with the young ones, the PA group was doing some painting and other such stuff.
Let me first say that we weren't sure how crazy these kids were going to be. We had seen them with the PA group the two days before, but you never know how kids are going to react with different groups. But we had so much fun!!! The kids were great...some of them even knew English, so it was very refreshing. I have to say that I don't normally name favorites, but I have to....Jeremiah was the cutest little boy (the one with the Gamecock hat on below)...he spoke English very well, in fact, I don't think he knew Spanish. And then there was Elizabeth....she's the cutie with the glasses holding her playdough cake...Elizabeth didn't know any English, but that didn't stop us from loving on her, or any of the kids...the language of God is amazing. You don't always need words, just a smile.
God still amazes me.
After a wonderful morning at VBS, we went to a sports camp that was going on near the beach...they had volleyball, basketball, baseball and soccer camps. I never really realized how big of a sport volleyball was in PR, but they had some amazing players. We all enjoyed being down there, playing will all the people there and making bracelets as well...

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