Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A little about 2013

The beginning of a new year always causes me to think and reflect on the year before.
Several people have said to me, “I’m so glad 2013 is over with, bring on a new year.” Honestly, 2013 was actually a pretty great year in my book. I feel like I did a lot more traveling than normal: Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Quebec Canada, Ohio, Indian, Illinois. In general a lot of things are a few highlights:


-- Camille Anne was born and I became an aunt! Even though I’m a state away and not able to see my niece as much as I’d like, I just love seeing her grow...thank God for technology and social media. I also had a second cousin born later the same day, Clayton Michael.

-- marked 10 years of being out of high school. I did not attend my high school reunion because I haven’t talked to a lot of them since graduation day. It was also the weekend of my graduation from graduate school.

-- marked 6 years since my undergraduate college graduation

-- celebrated 6 years of working for USC Sumter

-- went to Canada with a pretty great group of people. As a result of the trip I actually developed some of the best new friendships. For pictures and such of the trip, click here to see the slideshow.

-- graduated with my master’s degree! This definitely happened a lot quicker than I expected and I never actually thought I would have anything beyond my bachelors. I very thankful for the quick year-long program that I found and for some friendships that were formed along the way.
-- sang for the first time with the worship team at church with a great group of guys. I have avoided singing in front of people because I am not very confident in my ability, but apparently I sang a little too loud during the Quebec Mission Trip...I’ve sang a few times and it gets a little easier each time. I don’t plan to do it on a regular basis, but whenever they need me.

-- turned 28. 28 was definitely a weird one for me...not sure why.

-- went on my first blind date...more on that one in a later post once I fully process that one.


I feel so blessed and am so thankful for all that happened last year. 2013 would be nothing without all the people God has placed in my life.
My only hope for 2014 is that I grow closer to the Lord and that he continues to teach me through everything that happens in my life.
Since January has been a bit crazy, I am just posting this at the end of the month. Since I haven’t been at work in two days due to weather. Yes, that’s right...a snow day in South Carolina. The first day was uneventful and basically just ended up being a free day and it started snowing last night. It was absolutely wonderful.

At any rate, may each of you be blessed beyond measure in 2014.


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turning thirty-three.

i don't know if i've ever posted this piece of information about my life, but i'm in the education field. higher education spec...