Friday, September 4, 2009

Gpa Baker and some other things.

Hey everyone,
I wanted to give you all an update on a few things.
First, Grandpa Jack (Mom’s Dad). He was diagnosed with Myasthenia gravis a few years ago and had to have his thymus removed. For those who don’t know about Myasthenia gravis, and not a lot of people do, it occurs in 200-400 people out of a million. It’s a autoimmune disorder that causes muscle weakness (his eyelids were drooping and that’s how they found it…who knew?). He’s had problems breathing, but only when he was in high altitude, so he was able to handle it. He was still having regular check-ups and such and a few weeks ago he went to the doctor because he was having even more problems breathing. Right now they’re in IL, so it’s not because of the altitude. When he went to the hospital they met with a new neurologist who told them about plasmapheresis which is basically a plasma transfusion. The doctors was surprised that his previous neurologist had not recommended him having these done before his surgery. This is a treatment that can be done once a month and will make him feel a lot better. They also found some spots on his lungs. They are cancerous, but they haven’t decided what they are going to do about them until he goes through no less than 6 treatments. He had his first on Tuesday; it took a little longer than normal because he has thick blood. The treatments they did Wednesday and Thursday went well, he’ll have today off and start back Saturday (they can only do three consecutive at a time). Everyone in the family is in better spirits now, Grandma was having a hard time talking about it, but we are all hopeful. I’ll keep you all posted on that and share more details as I get them.
Also, my (Mom’s brother’s wife) Aunt Meredith’s sister and brother-in-law work with animals in Hollywood (they live in Acton, CA). They have been close to the fires in the past few years, but have never been directly affected until this year. My aunt sent us an email that said "there are some structures still standing (their house is intact), but much of the ranch burned to the ground or has extensive damage. Steph and Hayden are doing ok and staying in a hotel while waiting to be allowed back on the property...Keep all of the prayers for them going; they have a long way to go to rebuild what was lost." You can see an interview on this link that shows some of the damage:
I know my family (and extended family) would appreciate prayers.
I’m having my wisdom teeth taken out on Tuesday, so I'll post updates after that.
Thanks bunches…A

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