Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday Excursion

As you may have gathered from my previous post, I decided to go on an excursion last Monday afternoon since I did not have to work (a lovely perk of having a state job, I must admit).

I decided to go a place, very often explored yes, but somewhere I have not been a while. Swan Lake. A place very known to the locals, and known widely by visitors as the only public place in the U.S. with all eight species of swans.

Only a few swans made it into my selection of pictures below because I try to focus more on the scenery. So below you will find a small selection of pictures from the time I spent walking around. My shoes got a little muddy after I underestimated the amount of rain that soaked into the ground, but it washed right off when I got home.

I hope you enjoy (especially you Kendra).

Until next time....

Monday, January 18, 2010


i've decided that on my day off tomorrow that i will explore.
it has been far too long since i walked around, just me and my camera (wendy), and just took pictures. i must admit that i am very excited about this little excursion.
even though i will be going places that i have been before (no star trek reference intended), hopefully i'll come back with pictures that i haven't taken before.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas, New Year's.

Okay. I haven't posted yet this's actually been over a month.

So here's a little about the past month:
Finished the work year busy as ever, but that's to be expected.
Spent my 2 weeks of Christmas vaca with my family.
Took a family road trip (complete with a Queen song and dad playing air drums) to IL for our first Christmas with Grandparents, cousins, etc. since 1993.
Played "Apples to Apples" with the Baker family. My family is hilarious.
Scratched off a $1 lottery ticket from my Grandma Mary. I didn't win anything.
Played DDR with my cousin Jack on Christmas morning. He's a 13-year-old teenage boy and he beat me.
Had a white Christmas!
Threw a snowball at my Grandpa Bill. (He provoked me, and he was inside anyway)
Walked around the Air Force Museum for the second time.
Baked & decorated Aunt Carmen cookies with Mom and Aunt Alaina.
Enjoyed the warmth of the fire while it snowed outside.
Had minimal flight drama to and from Ohio.
Learned how much I really really miss not being around family.

I'll post pictures in a couple days hopefully.

To all you people out there in blogland. Hope you had a safe and joyous Christmas and here's to a wonderful and prosperous New Year!

turning thirty-three.

i don't know if i've ever posted this piece of information about my life, but i'm in the education field. higher education spec...